Brand Experiences / Exhibitions and Installations
ALULA SEASON | Garden Of Moments
Produced by Balich Wonder Studio KSA
A sensorial space producing knowledge and inner transformation
A portal, energetic conjunction producing knowledge and inner transformation that blends in with Al Ula’s surroundings and generates creative thinking.
A sensorial space that stimulates reactions, sensations, emotions and that acts as a transformative tool for all visitors. The installation creates patterns of sounds and lights which is activated by the visitors’ movements and interactions. To guarantee a holistic visitors experience across the entire activations program, you should consider enhancing one of the natural forces that rule the area: the Sun.
Furthermore, the sensitive layer of the sphere reacts to the touch of the users generating sounds of different frequencies and intensities with chromatic colour changes in its core.
The single seats act as an interactive personal tool: surrounded by the reflective design of the area the user will generate his sound that will complement the overall soundscape. An irradiating centre that connects time, space and people through enhanced perception.