Destination Experiences / Social Experience Destination

PALERMO / 2024

IL FESTINO DI SANTA ROSALIA | 400th anniversary

Produced by Balich Wonder Studio

A vibrant celebration of Palermo's beauty, tradition and spirituality

Balich Wonder Studio in collaboration with Odd Agency presented the 400th edition of the Festino in honor of Santa Rosalia, a celebration that since its origin merges beauty, tradition, culture and spirituality manifesting the soul of the city of Palermo and the unique heritage of our country.

This year, the Festino attracted an astounding 350,000 spectators from near and far, resonating throughout the country and spreading a message of hope and rebirth beyond Italy’s borders.

For the first time in the history of the celebration, the commemorative chariot underwent four transformation from stage to stage, following the theme of the itinerant parade and accompanied by specific themed-based artistic performances.

From the darkness of the Porta dei Normanni, to the light that reveals it at the Piano della Cattedrale, to the coronation of Santa Rosalia at the Quattro Canti, to reach an apotheosis of colour and light in the last stage: a true triumph of Santa Rosalia with a final spectacular pyrotechnic show.

With deep respect for such a long-standing tradition, we brought our creativity and international experience to celebrate Palermo and make the night an unforgettable memory of joy and emotion, creating an unforgettable celebration that took all of us spectators beyond the boundaries of time and space.