Gianmaria Serra
Board Director, Director of Ceremonies, Immersive Shows and Destination Experiences Business Units, Board Chairman of BWS USA

Gianmaria Serra

Executive Producer and a pioneer in engineering complex production and management systems.

At Marco Balich’s side for more than 20 years throughout his Olympic adventures, Gianmaria has proven to be invaluable, turning ideas to fruition, and creating major event management systems that enabled hundreds of professionals from all over the world to collaborate in the most efficient way with full control over the projects.

After leading company’s operations for 6 years as CEO, Gianmaria is currently heading the Immersive Shows and Destination Experiences Business Unit of Balich Wonder Studio, developing new revolutionary format for immersive experiences and partnering with real estate developers, architects and institutions to envision, plan and design creative solutions for destination projects worldwide.

His vision and determination have given life to Emotional Engineering, a new approach to experience and content design which leverage on audience’s emotions to create memorable experiences.

“Emotions are what guides our thinking and choices; we all explore rationally, but we choose emotionally. Our feelings are the result of chemical changes in our body, what we pay attention to is determined by our emotions, not our thoughts”.